Seeking for a ticket to fly back to reconsider which is the head and the tail, UBU or BSU or either?

Dear Ajarn (Sawasdee Dr. Riddle)
. It is September again. Today it is Sept 19, 2016 which is 2559 BC. (ten steps in Thai pronunciation)  =  In Thai…> Ten steps/Step forward….The year of 2550 steps!..... Yes, no ways to be proved now but it is not groundless based on how many coincidences on the record since 2002 till 2016????????
Nevertheless,  here are some concrete evidence of more or less related work which could be counted as references:
            A:  “ Co-Training between Parents and Teachers: A Case Study at Ban Lau Sue Kok, Ubon, Thailand “ Journal of Liberal Arts, Ubon Rathchathani University 11th Volume 2 July-December 2015 (pp.1-18)
            B: Online references
1.  Oral History of my village
2.   A clip a member of the society/ the group written/ composed for me to sheer me (and others with similar work)  The song is about Beauty of Doing good……with pictures of teaching activities that some teachers might be interested to hear about?
3.    An episode of how I collected the data to find my (our village’s ) originหรือที่
4.   Attended an International conference in Japan on March 21st 2016 (Community-Based Learning)…Then I wrote an article/ research report under the Title  COMMUNITY BASED LEARNING AS A LINK BETWEEN TEACHING. AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY AT BAN LAU. SUE KOK
5.    A pictures from the past was collected and presented by a former student who was among the group  and who became like my stepped son staying with me now: (E-sarn Musi….Life..Activities..Yesterday once more>>>>>>>>made me recall old time at Ball State and all good friends I have met สะท้อน
 That journey,  collecting data ….the history of my village gave an opportunity for the participants to voice out  (in Thai) เป็น

And I hope to write about How modern technology likes smart phones and social media can help a language teacher learn about teaching , psychology, politics, selves, political conflicts , international relation,  dye and tie and agricultures , causes and effects and so on. For me, it was because I care (give the bad and dirty body part)……..> I feel thankful that many people here at the States are so nice to me that they never gave me such a bad body part: I felt sorry for the mistake I made. I would like to come back to apologize , and meet my (past life) big brother Jeff Negangard’s to collect my golden (holy) piece ( a copy of my dissertation)  and to say thank you to my teacher/advisor (and to see the second copy of my dissertation , but the only one with the picture of the hand that holds the KEY ( Close up in Thai). And believe me, I tried so hard before I could get the paper saying that I earned the PhD. Unfortunately, the copy of the dissertation I have with me in Thailand  is not a complete one; one page is missing. That made many doubt that I really graduates and earned a Ph.D. Therefore, I think I have enough reason to seek a visa to come back to the States/ BSU: I wish I would be able to visit Anthony Apartment Room number ninety-one which I read The first (Beginning) step.  I am turning 61 in November, and Jeff Neg(Tel 7598126). will turn 63 on October 2016, while Jeff Bue in California will turn 57-58 on November 21. That’s why I hope to visit USA between October till Novenber. I plan to leave USA before Christmas because it is too cold for me, especially I am not young any more. MY last day can come at anytime, and that’s why I think about taking my sister who has never visit USA and my former student who now works at Ubon University with international copperation. The two can accompany me on the way to America because I haven’t flew this far for ten years. Due to my indigestion problems, I would feel more safe not travelling alone. On the other hand both my sister and my former student would not be able to stay abroad longer than a week or two so that they can fly back home before me. I planned so because my sister who is 4-5 years older than me will not have to fly back home alone. The last but not the least, both are significant Characters in my story to tell.
What do you think Ajarn? I don’t mind to be responsible for the air tickets and accommodation if there is no budget from BSU side However, if the English department could just have something to more or less shows that my visiting BSU can bring something valuable for our future work/mpve, perhaps (with a letter of invitation) I can get credit from my unusual if not disgusting (book to write) metaphors “ Flying back to find the missing part with old friends’ hands beneath my  shattered wings” before my retirement of September 30, 2016.  Four letter-work Fate? …to be able to get recognized I need to have some concrete evidence to show the administers before Sept 26, the day the committee will evaluate my working performance for the last time in my life. How long I will able to hold on before my last day is really more or less in old friends’ hands. On the other hand, no matter you can find a way for me or not, just like every one “ the show must go on” . As an actor in this big theater with all kinds of beings, deep or shallow  in thought or cold or warm body/ hearts/skins you cannot avoid having different experiences travelling from the beginning to the end. Even with what is said to be end, nobody should claim that he or she has the best eyes and could always tell what and why…………………………….> and that’s why Metee K. likes sharing and put himself in others’ shoes without thinking too much that he could be stepped on or offend others. I admit  that  I am not that clever. I still once in a while wonder is it really the head or tail , or in fact the body? Help me find the truth please for the more eyes we can put together, the more clearly, the further we would see???????????????????????A to Z , all is zero or Zero is all? Yes, in Thai language Kor Kai (chicken) and How nok Hoog ( Owl) are birds: Day and night, who can really prove which one comes first? Nevertheless, most of us are confident enough to say that both birds will die and soon become zero, so why don’t The East and the West and other Directions get together so that we will hear and learn from  the NEWS! (????????). If we all are friends and keep our eyes awake and honestly share with others, the world can be much safer! That may be a way to say it when I said “ I knew why Sept 11 happened”, the sentence that sent me to Bipolar World, and some people has stopped give me the excrement since then . As a consequence, I get mad and acted like a crazy dog in hope that they may give me food before I die.  As a teacher who had kindly taught me, shared with me, and also one who knows some Thai words help me find which is the head or tail so that I can make a circle the Zero I have been trying to go through, Dr. Riddle.

Sincerely yours,
Mete Kansa
( Facebook ; Metee Kansa)

Septemeber 19, 2016… ended the message at 28 minutes to eight p.m.   Dark here Day time there in Muncie….> Help me see…….

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