Seek help from English native speakers, please.

The picture below represents where I came from, and why I often need help as far as English is concern. I have tried posting this on my Facebook, but haven't got any responses yet, so I decided to post it again on my blog: 

Dear (Facebook) friends (whose first language is English),

As an English teacher who learned English as a second language, there are times when I question myself about English, and that’s when I need to seek some helps from native speakers. So, I would appreciate it a lot if  any online or Facebook  friends would  respond.

This is from Facebook. Someone posted  (a saying?)“ Don’t depend too much on anyone in  this world because even your shadow leaves you when you’re in darkness ” And here are different comments quoted:

2. I totally disagree with this statement. we SHOULD be relying on each other and experience a sense of community.
Like · Reply · 19 · 2 hours ago via mobile

3. I am finding this to be completely untrue. I am so thankful for my friends who are with me now in this darkness.
  4. Completely? I'd like to see you throw a shadow in the dark... 

·         5. such a sad thought!
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hours ago via mobile
·         6. What a downer.
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hours ago via mobile
7.  gay
Like · Reply
8.  reading these negative comments is bumming me out. I think I will listen to beth hart on youtube. peace.
9.  Lighten up people, read the WORDS. Depend on others, just not TOO much. Independence is valuable, ie..... I don't want to smoosh the spider, but I can.
10. this sounds like someone who wants us to separate from each other and fight each other. This sounds like dogma bullshit to me. We can only survive through community.

Here is my response:
·         Metee Kansa It's a best advice to me when I first read it, but after I read what others people talked about friends, I also agreed. .... Then, I read it again because I am not an English native speaker. The phrase " too much" makes me wonder how can it be "completely untrue?"

My question:
When I first read the saying I liked it a lot, and I just thought that it could be helpful to share this with my students and my fellow people so that they would try to work harder and be able to stand on their feet.  Then I saw one comment saying that “it is completely untrue”. I rather agreed with parts of the arguments, so I posted my comments. Meanwhile,  I got more interested in what other people thought because I realized that I could have missed something as far as my English was concerned. I was surprised that a few people considered the saying so negative or even destructive.  Although there are a few people saying the saying is true and the comment number 9 seemed to share similar view with me  I am not sure I understood the saying correctly because I did not see anything negative when I first read it. What I would like to know is whether the saying really neutral or negative linguistically.  In other words, what do you think about the saying and the comments quoted. .  In addition, I could not link the saying to the comment “ gay”  in number 7. In what way can the saying possibly be considered ‘gay’?

Please feel free to take your time for I do not need to get the reply straight away. Nevertheless, as an English teacher I would appreciate your help and response for I really hope  to learn  what  I have missed or misunderstood.

Thank you for your time and help.

Metee Kansa

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